Juan Pardo Navarro.
Candidato de CDL a la alcaldía de Zurgena
En Zurgena, por el motivo que sea, no es momento de precisar, el modelo de gestión municipal “ESTÁ MUERTO”, por tanto, hay que “parir” otro ¡YA¡ y para ello necesitamos emprendedores e industrias en expansión. Centro Democrático Liberal, no tiene la más mínima duda, que es competencia de la Administración Local y Autonómica su búsqueda inmediata, para ello hay que nombrar un gestor local capacitado y con oferta de gestión, ellos por mi larga experiencia en el mundo empresarial y, últimamente, en la administración local han confiado en mí, el resto…. depende de vosotros el 22M.
Candidato de CDL a la alcaldía de Zurgena
En Zurgena, por el motivo que sea, no es momento de precisar, el modelo de gestión municipal “ESTÁ MUERTO”, por tanto, hay que “parir” otro ¡YA¡ y para ello necesitamos emprendedores e industrias en expansión. Centro Democrático Liberal, no tiene la más mínima duda, que es competencia de la Administración Local y Autonómica su búsqueda inmediata, para ello hay que nombrar un gestor local capacitado y con oferta de gestión, ellos por mi larga experiencia en el mundo empresarial y, últimamente, en la administración local han confiado en mí, el resto…. depende de vosotros el 22M.
Después de tanto caso de corrupción, más corrupción, más holgazanes, más bigardos, más analfabetos funcionales y, lo que es peor, embaucadores de los ya debilitados o cansados cerebros del pueblo hay que poner a cada uno en su sitio.
Cuando en España, por precariedad, hay hasta hambruna infantil. Los dos grandes partidos se pasan el día debatiendo cual de ellos presenta más corruptos en sus listas. Hoy, sin ir más lejos, debatían voceando la famosa paga de 426 Euros a parados sin prestación. Uno porque, en su día, no la puso y otro por que la puso y, ahora, la quita. ¡Por el amor de Dios¡ ¿En qué cabeza cabe que un padre, no pueda darle de comer a sus hijos? o un jubilado que cobra 450 Euros/mes, por no pagar un recibo, le cortan el suministro eléctrico y de agua potable o le ponen un recargo del 20% ¡OJO¡ por no pagar la contribución en período “voluntario” y, aún, tienen la cara dura de pedirle “el voto”.
Hace unos día, la práctica totalidad de medios de comunicación reproducían la rueda de prensa de una “sin cabeza” que dice ser Consejera de la Junta de Andalucía, “amenazando” con derribar miles de viviendas, para ella, ilegales.
¿Qué culpa tiene un Inglés, Alemán, Francés, Belga, Español o… de la Conchichina, que ha comprado una vivienda en Zurgena o …., la ha pagado a precio de oro para que ahora venga esta individua y se la quiere demoler? Todas, todas las opciones menos esa capaz que serían válidas. Mete en la cárcel al promotor, al arquitecto, al alcalde, al concejal o a todos juntos; pero LEGALIZA SU VIVIENDA, el no tiene ninguna culpa.
Al NO considerarme parte de esta “”clase”” de políticos y si APTO para servir al pueblo, no para servirme de él. PRESENTO MI CANDIDATURA, POR CENTRO DEMOCRÁTICO LIBERAL, A LAS ELECCIONES MUNICIPALES 2011 EN MI PUEBLO, ZURGENA.
Juan Pardo Navarro. CDL candidate for mayor of Zurgena In Zurgena,
for whatever reason, it is not clear when the municipal management model "IS DEAD", therefore, must "give birth" another one and we need entrepreneurs and growing industries. centro Democrático Liberal, has not the slightest doubt, it is the responsibility of Local Government and Regional your search immediately, for it must appoint a local manager trained and management offering, including my long experience in the corporate world and recently in the local administration have trusted me, the rest .... up to you on 22M.
After all this corruption case, more corruption, more lazy, more Bigard, functional illiterates, and worse, deceivers of the weakened and tired brains of people have to put each one in its place. When in Spain, by insecurity, are to child hunger. The two major parties spend their time debating which of them has more corrupt in their schedules. Now, without going any further, shouting the famous debating pay 426 Euros for the unemployed without benefits. One because, in his day, did not put it and another that put her and now takes it. Please! how can a feadher think can not feed their children? or a retiree who takes 450 Euros / month for not paying a bill, they cut the electricity and water or they put a surcharge of 20% EYE for nonpayment of contribution period "voluntary" and, further, have the nerve to ask "the vote." A few days ago, virtually all media reproduced the press conference of a "headless" who claims to be Minister of the Government of Andalusia, "threatening" to bring down thousands of homes, for it illegal. What crime has English, German, French, Belgian, Spanish or ... , which has bought a house in Zurgena or ...., Has paid the price of gold for that now comes this individual and want it demolished? All, all the options less able to be valid. Put in prison to the developer, architect, mayor, councilman or all together, but LEGALIZES your home, not to blame. As it was not part of this "class" of politicians and if able to serve the people, not to serve him. I applied, OF THE CENTRO DEMOCRÁTICO LIBERAL, THE 2011 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS IN MY TOWN, ZURGENA.
CDL is a state-wide party founded by a section of the CDS as opposed to the dissolution and integration of the centrist People's Party. Defined, therefore, define me, Liberal.
for whatever reason, it is not clear when the municipal management model "IS DEAD", therefore, must "give birth" another one and we need entrepreneurs and growing industries. centro Democrático Liberal, has not the slightest doubt, it is the responsibility of Local Government and Regional your search immediately, for it must appoint a local manager trained and management offering, including my long experience in the corporate world and recently in the local administration have trusted me, the rest .... up to you on 22M.
After all this corruption case, more corruption, more lazy, more Bigard, functional illiterates, and worse, deceivers of the weakened and tired brains of people have to put each one in its place. When in Spain, by insecurity, are to child hunger. The two major parties spend their time debating which of them has more corrupt in their schedules. Now, without going any further, shouting the famous debating pay 426 Euros for the unemployed without benefits. One because, in his day, did not put it and another that put her and now takes it. Please! how can a feadher think can not feed their children? or a retiree who takes 450 Euros / month for not paying a bill, they cut the electricity and water or they put a surcharge of 20% EYE for nonpayment of contribution period "voluntary" and, further, have the nerve to ask "the vote." A few days ago, virtually all media reproduced the press conference of a "headless" who claims to be Minister of the Government of Andalusia, "threatening" to bring down thousands of homes, for it illegal. What crime has English, German, French, Belgian, Spanish or ... , which has bought a house in Zurgena or ...., Has paid the price of gold for that now comes this individual and want it demolished? All, all the options less able to be valid. Put in prison to the developer, architect, mayor, councilman or all together, but LEGALIZES your home, not to blame. As it was not part of this "class" of politicians and if able to serve the people, not to serve him. I applied, OF THE CENTRO DEMOCRÁTICO LIBERAL, THE 2011 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS IN MY TOWN, ZURGENA.
CDL is a state-wide party founded by a section of the CDS as opposed to the dissolution and integration of the centrist People's Party. Defined, therefore, define me, Liberal.
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